2023 Tennessee Entomological Society – Awards
Graduate Awards

Julian Cosner — 1st Place Ph.D. Graduate Student Paper Competition

Matthew Longmire — 2nd Place Ph.D Graduate Student Paper Competition

Wesley Rhinehart — 1st Place M.S. Graduate Student Paper Competition

Mitchell Adkins — 2nd Place M.S. Graduate Student Paper Competition
Undergraduate Awards

Molly Deinhart — 1st Place Undergraduate Student Paper Competition

– 2nd Place Student Paper Competition
The Harry E. Williams Award –
This award honors Professor Harry Williams, an entomologist with The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service from 1965 to 1995, a Professor Emeritus, and past historian and charter member of the Tennessee Entomological Society. Harry understood the importance of guiding youth and has spent many years encouraging them to participate in entomological 4-H projects. Recipients of this award will be chosen from the junior and senior 4-H entomology state winners. The award winner will receive a plaque and will be announced at the Tennessee Entomological Society Annual Conference. In addition, a photograph of the plaque presentation and a news release will be submitted to the recipient’s local newspaper.
The Howard L. Bruer Award –
This award honors Howard L. Bruer, a charter member of the Tennessee Entomological Society, who was a strong advocate of the participation of Tennessee’s youth in entomology. This award is given each year to a student who has made an outstanding accomplishment in entomological activities in Tennessee. Students submitting insect-related projects to a Tennessee regional science fair will receive a certificate of recognition and will be invited to apply for the Howard Bruer Award. Any middle school or high school student conducting an entomological project which is not submitted to a regional science fair may also apply. The application package will include photocopies of all or selected portions of the project data book, the abstract and the research paper. Including a photograph of the science fair project is optional. The award winner will receive a plaque and his/her name will be announced at the Tennessee Entomological Society Annual Conference. In addition, a photograph of the plaque presentation and a news release will be submitted to the recipient’s local newspaper.

2013 TES Howard Bruer Award
Required Submission Material for the Howard L. Bruer Award
The Richard E. Caron Outstanding Entomologist Award –
This award honors the late Dr. Richard E. Caron, extension entomologist in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology from 1981 to 1991, who worked tirelessly with extension agents and producers, developing ecologically sound IPM programs for cotton and soybean. He served on five Tennessee Entomological Society committees from 1981-1991, served two highly effective consecutive terms as Secretary/Treasurer of TES, served on the Board and was President-Elect and Program Chairperson at the time of his untimely death. This award is presented to a member who has shown outstanding work in entomological pursuits.

2021 Richard E. Caron Award
Richard E. Caron Outstanding Entomologist Award Nomination Form
Student Paper Competition Award –
This award is given to the students who have been judged to give the best papers at the annual conference. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for this award. A $200.00 and $100.00 monetary award will be presented to first and second place winners for the undergraduate, and M.S. and Ph.D graduate student competitions. All students participating in the competition will enjoy a complimentary dinner when the meeting is not held virtually.
See the Annual Conference page for the Student Paper Competition and Call for Papers.